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Prostate Cancer and Urinary Incontinence

January 10, 2018

James Andree is a bus driver who is married and has two children. About five years ago, at age 57, Mr. Andree was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Going to several doctors and after gathering all the needed information from his own research, he decided to have a radical prostatectomy.
What is Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer affects men aging from 50 years and above. Next to skin cancer, it is the most common cancer affecting the male population. According to Cancer Australia, a total of 16,665 new cases are predicted to be diagnosed by the end of 2017. At the time of this writing, there is still no latest statistics to verify this record.
What are the Risk Factors?
For one to get prostate cancer, the following risk factors are considered:
• Age – it is more common in men 50 years and above.
• Heredity – just like any cancer, genetic factors play a very crucial role in the cancer development.
• Race – most frequently found in North America, Australia, Northwestern Europe and Caribbean Island.
• Diet – High in red meat or high-fat dairy products are linked to cases of prostate cancers.
• Medication and obesity
Surgical Procedures
Surgical interventions are available as part of the management. Radical prostatectomy, is the removal of the whole prostate gland, together with the seminal vesicles and the nearby lymph nodes, if there is a risk the cancer may have spread to them.
The common side effects are urinary incontinence (2%-15%) and erectile dysfunction (30%-70%).
In the case of Mr. Andree, he is more concerned with the urinary incontinence because of his present job. He plans of not retiring yet and if he will continue being a bus driver, then this will surely pose a problem.
After undergoing surgery, Mr. Andree went back to his doctor for problems of urine incontinence. Studies reveal that three months after surgery, 58% of men reported wearing an absorbent pad in the previous week, and at 12 months after surgery, 35% reported using a pad in the previous week.
His urologist explained several types of surgical options for incontinence following radical prostatectomy:
• Artificial sphincter is actually a device that is inflatable and follows the true function of the urinary sphincter by allowing a “functional” bladder for storage and an opening when detected as full to permit urination.
• Bulbourethral sling surgery is where the surgeon makes an incision between the scrotum and the rectum and installs a supportive sling under and around the urethra, anchoring it to each side of the pelvic bone. By placing pressure on the urethra, the sling helps retain urine until the bladder fills.
Mr. Andree is still contemplating on these procedures, especially when it comes to finances; however, wearing absorbent pads is not a major concern for him right now. If you are like Mr. Andree, Abena has a wide selection of absorbent pads and also a bet wetting alarm can help you.
Should you need to try our products, we have some selected samples in our website and these can be shipped to you at a cost of $10 delivery to a host of regions throughout Australia.
Feel free to ask me for advice via Chat. Its quick and easy and you don’t need worry or feel embarrassed as I have worked as a nurse and was able to provide the information that you wish to obtain.
Katherine Bengan, RN MSN
Incontinence advisor - The Care Kiosk
Buy pads in bulk here

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